Ahem. Excuse me
Are you?
You just, you look like the person who rearranged everything in my brain
I stumble upon memories of you we haven't even experienced yet
I think I like you.
In a, "I wish you'd be my main squeeze from Sunday Morning to Wednesday Evening
and we can play all sorts of board games and talk all night long on the phone" way
I want you to be the person I wake up when I have trouble sleeping
and you can whisper me oblong shapes to stumble to sleep in, and I'll wake you up at 7 45 each morning, you groggy and tired will wonder why on earth I wake up that early, and I still don't know.
Can we lay in a dry bathtub together, uncomfortable but learning
we can layer it pad by pad with all our insecurities and hopes, prayers and longings, uncovering each tile in the wall to discover something new about the way we fit together.
Ahem, Excuse me, I just wanted to let you know, I like the way you make my thought process
go back back forth forth between you and you with me
you mean to me like, a branch on the street waiting to make its way into my sea green glasses
posted forever on the walls of my soul and a memory always of what nature creates
a constant representation of who i hope we can be together
so yes
it is nice to see you, adorable.
Ill be back later
Day after tomorrow
I'm (not) sorry,
just to have to tell you, I knew from the moment I met you I'd have to change the space between my neck and chest to fit the feeling I get around you in there.
I'm just sharing secrets.